Wikipedia: WT prediction were held for the arrival of Armageddon in 1975 but later
apologized to members by the GB. So it seems like everyone knows about the prediction
except the JW. LOL
last night.
pub quiz.
12 teams, somewhere in darkest england.. category: eternal flame.
Wikipedia: WT prediction were held for the arrival of Armageddon in 1975 but later
apologized to members by the GB. So it seems like everyone knows about the prediction
except the JW. LOL
on the local nyc 6pm news a reporter interviewed a guy behind bars for burglary to ask him how they scope out the people/house they hit, this guy just said he even put on a tie and pretended he was a jw while scoping out the place to see what their schedule is, to see if anyone is at home.. have to say smart move on the burglars part, but of course not a smart move at all to break in and take other folks property.
How about arresting the Pedophillia that knock on your door.....
sorry for this matter has been already discussed.. i got shocked after watching this video:.
kingdom hall disaster demonstration.
this is really insane !!!
Lewis Black on "Nuclear Holocaust", youtube. He was instructed to hide under his desk in
school in case of a Nuclear Holocaust, a wooden desk of all things( kindle).
sorry for this matter has been already discussed.. i got shocked after watching this video:.
kingdom hall disaster demonstration.
this is really insane !!!
Yes I have been preparing for the big one (earthquake in Calif) for years. I figure we need
enough supplies to last for two weeks and a gas generator. If the other Big one comes (Armageddon)
I'am sh--t out of luck...LOL
i was having a discussion with an old friend last night.
her parents are divorced and his mother never became “one of jehovah witnesses “ .
long story short she claims elders are generally hardier on women than men.
The sisters were a lot smarter than the bro's, I realized that when I became a elder.
i am approaching 76 years old.
i can clearly recall that awake!
statement and similar during the pre-1975 hype -- "staying alive in '75", et al.
Outlaw; "Dementia", a funny thing about we never proclaimed that message, worldly
people remember it well. Over the years I have been told by a number of folks who were never
a JW, what happen to 1975. Try telling them we never scared the Sh--t out of folks at the doors
your time is short and we got it from a very reliable source, GB= Jehovah...
Wouldn't it be funny to take a census just to see the people around in 1970's non-JW and what
was the message JW proclaimed at their doors, Matt:24;14. Yes we had covered the earth
with our message.LOL
i am approaching 76 years old.
i can clearly recall that awake!
statement and similar during the pre-1975 hype -- "staying alive in '75", et al.
Yes, new ones today will say the WT never said those things. We ran ahead proclaiming
the end is near. I wonder what gave us that idea.
one of my interests is music and i play an acoustic guitar.. i wrote a poem about my guitar and thought i'd share it with you.
my poem doesn't match up to some of compound complex's work however, i'd really appreciate any feedback you can give.. my guitar my friend.
reaching for my old companion.
Talloni' I will share your poem with my Tuesday Guitar group (30) . How about chords
to go with your poem. We have a talent show coming up in the month of October (Senior center),
it is a nice poem "My Guitar My friend", good job.
is everyone familiar with dr. hugh ross and his organization reasons to believe?
i have learned much from this ministry.. hugh ross is a trained scientist and pastor who specialises in marrying the bible with science (both of which are records of truth).
he has an msc and phd in astronomy and was a post-doctoral fellow with the california institute of technology.
I like this guy, he is good. He said that Adam was the first Jew and the father of the Jews,
but not the father of mankind. He also argued that Eve was not the first woman, but
the first Jewish woman.
I have said this before, Adam was the first spiritual man that may make sense..
is everyone familiar with dr. hugh ross and his organization reasons to believe?
i have learned much from this ministry.. hugh ross is a trained scientist and pastor who specialises in marrying the bible with science (both of which are records of truth).
he has an msc and phd in astronomy and was a post-doctoral fellow with the california institute of technology.
I checked to see H. Ross views today, the reason I posted this old topic.